Our resin products are intended for display only. Please keep them out of reach of children and pets, as they can be quite heavy and should be handled with care. We are also not responsible for any damaged or lost items during the shipping process, including any personal charms you may have left on your bouquet.
While we’re designing your resin piece, we will do our best to replicate your floral arrangement. Please understand that it will not be an exact match. Since we cast real dried flowers, the colors will differ from when they were fresh, and when cast in resin, you may see spots or bruising on the petals where they were handled. We work as gently as possible to preserve the shape and color of your blooms.
Please be aware that all resin products will naturally amber over time. Our resin has been specially formulated with Petal-Safe™ technology to prevent or prolong the ambering process, as well as to protect your flowers from excessive heat during the curing process. This technology provides peace of mind, knowing your flowers are well cared for throughout the entire process.
Every preservation is a unique piece of art, meaning every mold will vary. The depth of our molds depends on the floral arrangement, and some may come out larger or smaller than others. If you purchase our bookends, please note that the arrangements will not be identical, but we will strive to make them as cohesive as possible. The depth of the bookends may also differ slightly due to the natural expansion and shrinkage of epoxy during curing. Please understand that there will be small differences in each piece.
Since every mold is a one-of-a-kind creation, the floral arrangement will not look exactly like the listing photos or your original bouquet. The final arrangement depends on which flowers look the best after the drying process, the size and shape of the mold you purchased, and how well the flowers fit together. If you have a specific request, please leave it in the note section at checkout, and our designer will be in touch. If no request is made, the design will be at the designer’s discretion.
We pride ourselves on being fully transparent about our preservation process. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out via phone or email.